Sunday 17 November 2013

Topic Resources: Fuel and Energy

Topic: Fuel and Energy

Resource: Web-site promoting nuclear energy

Resource: Statistics on the amount of energy individuals and industry use each year

Resource: Pros and Cons of different sources of energy

Local and Global Perspectives

Resource: The town shaping a green revolution

Resource: Swiss solutions for storing renewable energy

Resource: Ukraine innovating for the future

Resource: Switzerland gets 75% of power from renewable sources

Resource: Statistics on how the average American uses energy

Resource: Positives and negatives of America's largest solar energy farm

Resource: Germany's clean energy solutions face threat of reduced funding


Resource: European countries soon to run out of fossil fuels

Resource: Cost of air pollution to Health Services across Europe

Courses of Action and Personal Response
Resource: Initiative to get next generation thinking about alternative energy for the future

Resource: USA and China pledge to cut greenhouse emissions
Web Link:

Resource: How to save energy at home
Web Link:

Resource: Alpine nations for for carbon neutral transport by 2050.

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